As an actuary who helped to price and analyze policies for a large life insurance carrier, I quickly saw how policy owners end up getting the worst end of the deal. While agents can earn 80% to 100% of the first year premium that policy owners pay for a permanent life insurance policy, nearly 50% of these policies are cancelled within the first 10 years. As a result, policy owners can pay tens of thousands of dollars for these policies and get almost nothing back when they cancel it. Such a system is designed to help benefit life insurance companies and their agents but not the actual policy owner.
The purpose of this blog is to educate policy owners on better strategies to employ when purchasing or reviewing their life insurance policies. This blog will also cover various analytics to take into consideration when doing a life insurance policy review. By making better informed decisions, policy owners will be able to utilize their policies in a way that better meets their needs and not the life insurance agent’s or life insurance company’s sales goals. In this blog we’ll be covering numerous topics in the life insurance and life settlement industries alike that will help investors and policy owners alike make better decisions. If you have any topics you’d like to see explained in more detail, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
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